Dziennik projektu
Wszystkie informacje znajdziesz w poszczególnych zakładkach. Miłej lektury.
Zanim powstało logo naszego projektu, w każdej partnerskiej szkole przeprowadzono konkurs. Uczniowie mieli zaprojektować symbol swojego kraju. Potem znaki te połączono w jedną całość. Oto wyniki tej pracy.
A teraz kilka słów o logo projektów.
Explanation for our joint LOGO
Poland - Nicolaus Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik) -born 19 February 1473 in the city of Frombork, Poland), astronomer and cosmologist, mathematician and economist, Catholic priest and prelate, developed the heliocentric theory of the solar system.
Finland- In 1945 A.I. Virtanen received the Nobel price in chemistry for his research and invention in agriculture and nutrition chemistry and the logo stands for the chemical exercises.
Bulgaria - the idea of Bulgarian logo is the open book as a symbol of our alphabet, which was created by the Saints Cyril and Methodius and at the same time is a symbol of one of the classics of Bulgarian literature- Aleko Konstantinov.
Turkey - We use our scientists, Artitect Sinan's picture. There is also a bridge constructed by Artitect Sinan and we think it can be the bridge between our partners.
Romania – A plane, Henri Marie Coandă ( 7 June 1886 – 25 November 1972) was a Romanian inventor, aerodynamics pioneer and builder of an experimental aircraft, described by Coandă in the mid-1950s as the world's first jet. He invented a great number of devices, designed a "flying saucer" and discovered the Coandă effect of fluid dynamics.
Sweden - It is about our scientist Carl Linnaeus a famous botanist. This flower (twinflower) is called linnaea in Swedish, after him.
Spain - Our logo is a kite made with Gaudí style. The kite is the symbol of our school. It's related with the name of the school. We are called Estel and the translation in English is kite. The technique is using pieces of colored paper and stick them on the picture imitating some of the monuments of Gaudi, who is our architect.